Daily Archives: May 17, 2013

10 Keys to Raising Your Vibration


   The time has come for all of us here on Earth to choose what comes next. In order to evolve we must all raise our vibrations and expand our consciousness’ beyond the current definitions and limitations of this reality. To do this there are some definite things that have been proven to get an individual going in the desired direction.


Accept the truth inside of you and around you. Whatever you’re afraid to accept brings you down lower and lower.The first key to raising the vibration you emit is Truth. Lies bring vibration down.

Speak the truth, especially if it hurts. If you find honesty is challenging for you, it may be because you haven’t been honest enough with yourself yet. The lies you tell others are shadowed by the lies you have told yourself. The more you accept and speak the truth, the higher your vibration rises. Raise your vibration by gradually exposing and destroying of the itsy-bitsy pieces of falsehood from your life and environment. This could take some time. As you raise your vibration, honesty will become a natural part of your life.

Yes, there may be some residual effects and consequences that will have to be faced but that is a price that must be paid. Short-term fix-it lies compared to the living life honestly and openly. It’s so much better and less stressful to be yourself and allow others to do the same. Not everyone will appreciate your truth, especially if they have known nothing of you except your lies, but that won’t matter once you’ve accepted and fully appreciate yourself.


Courage raises your vibration. Cowardice brings your vibration epicly down. Courage is the guard between unconscious growth and conscious growth. Life will keep throwing problems at you as long as you remain on the unconscious side. Until you step up and take charge of your life, nothing will change. When you face your fears, the fear disappear, and problems and issues become opportunities. But when you run from your fears, they only grow.

Whatever you fear, you must face, period. The more fears you face, the higher your vibration rises. As you master this within yourself, eventually courage becomes unnecessary.
Once you’ve developed the courage to face anything life throws at you, you stop emitting fear-based vibrations into the Universe so this is no longer the experience life sends back. This is why courage is the brink between unconscious growth and conscious growth.

The mastery of courage grants the power to decide how you’ll grow instead of being a “mark” or victim of the will of fate.


Compassion and Love raise your vibration. Cruelty brings you and those around you down.

Become more aware of cruelty by looking for signs of unconscious cruelty and disconnection in your life. This can be challenging since it also requires courage. We often resist facing our own cruelty, but it’s always there just waiting to be uncovered and dispatched.

Compassion is the roots of unconditional love, the acknowledgement and feeling connectedness with everything that exists. Do you feel connected to yourself? To others? To animals? To all living things? To everything that exists? The more you develop this connection, the higher your vibration and more conscious you will become.


Desire raises your vibration while apathy lowers it. When you are clear about what you want, such as goals you’ve set for yourself, you raise your vibration to one that is more open to that which you desire. This clarity focuses your mind and gives you the power to think and act intelligently towards your desires. This can be felt whenever you think about something you definitely want.

On the other hand, when your desire is unclear, your vibration is all over the place. When your thoughts lack focus and direction, you just spin your wheels.

Strive to become crystal clear about what you truly desire, and your vibration will raise in that direction.


Attention raises your vibration, distraction lowers your vibration. Focusing on improving your ability to concentrate on one thing at a time will make you more conscious. Pick up a rock or sit and observe a tree or plant and give it your complete attention, and notice what happens. But allow your mind to be riddled with distractions, and your consciousness will sink. A distracted mind is a powerless mind.

Meditation is a terrific way to practice holding your attention and concentration. Meditation is simple to learn and practice, but can take a lifetime to master. Check out more on meditation here.


Knowledge raises your vibration, while ignorance lowers it.

The most important thing to know is yourself. Take the time to think deeply about your life, and use a journal or notebook to record your thoughts. Ask questions to which you don’t know the answer, and then search for those answers. Look around you and soak up knowledge like a sponge however you can. Interact with your environment with a sense of curiosity and wonder.  Push your own boundaries of comfort and test your resources and resourcefulness. Study it. Learn from it. Experiment with it.

Strive to understand your reality, your role in it, and what your options are. The more accurate your understanding about reality is, the higher your vibration will become.


Reason and Logic raise your vibration. Irrationality not only lowers your vibration but it’s after effects can last a lifetime.

Logic and reason lend structure and substance to thought. The great challenge we face is avoiding false assumptions. One lone false assumption can alter a lifetime of otherwise logical conclusions. So challenge everything you believe, and stay open to the possibility that things aren’t alwasys as they seem on the surface.

High Vibrationsyellow-dancer1

Those with higher than usual vibration naturally raise yours. People with low vibrations will bring you and your vibration down.

By consciously raising your vibration, you’ll attract others with high or similar vibrations. Seek these high vibratory and creative individuals out and talk to them, ask questions, and enjoy their presence. Allow their ideas and awareness to infect you, inspire you, and you’ll find yourself expanding in all directions. You’ll become more honest, more courageous, more compassionate, and knowledgeable just by being around certain people.

Spend time with people at a lower vibrations and you’ll gradually sink to their level. Their thoughts will infect you as well, causing you to become more dishonest, more fearful, more apathetic, etc.

Strive to find a balance between spending time with those who raise your vibration vs. spending time with those you can help. Learn from those who are a little more awake or have higher vibration level, and help those who are desire to become more than they think they are. In this manner you serve the highest good of all, raising not only your own vibration but the vibration of everything everywhere.


Energy raises your vibration. Dis-eases of any kind lowers it.

Taking care of your body keeps your vibration at a basic level of health. Stepping into the flow of energy gives you an ongoing flow of vital life experiences. But without energy you starve your consciousness.

Eat with an awareness of what you’re taking in and absorbing. Exercise with an awareness of how you’re affecting your body and your mind. Before putting anything in your body, consider its effect on your energy, not just in the short term but in the long term as well.

Always ask yourself, “Will this produce energy or disease?”


The intention to raise your vibration will raises it. The intention to lower your vibration lowers it.

Raising your vibration and expanding your consciousness has the capacity to self-expand or self-contract, just as you have the capacity to grow or begin to decay. At every given moment, you have the freedom of choice. By honestly voicing the intention (or by offering the prayer), “I intend to become more conscious and aware,” you will initiate the expansion of your consciousness and your vibration will raise. Holding the intention to improve in any of the previous nine areas will produce a similar effect.

Alternatively, you are perfectly free to lower your consciousness at any time. While it’s unlikely you would choose to do so directly, you can achieve the same effect indirectly by lowering your performance in any of the areas above. By choosing to lie, to succumb to fear, to commit acts of cruelty, to remain ignorant, and so on, you put out the intention to lower your vibration. And in so doing, you initiate a process that will attract more falsehood, fear, cruelty, ignorance, etc. into your life.

Every thought you hold serves to either expand or contract your consciousness, raising or lowering your vibration. There is no neutral. So choose wisely!

Categories: D.I.Y., Question?, Vibration & Consciousness | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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